Formation of a p-type quantum dot at the end of an n-type carbon nanotube

Jiwoong Park, Paul L. McEuen
2001 Applied Physics Letters  
We use field effect doping to study both electron (n) and hole (p) type conduction in a semiconducting carbon nanotube. We find that, in the n-type region, the ends of the tube remain p-type due to doping by the metal contacts. As a result, a p-n junction forms near the contact, creating a small, p-type quantum dot between the p-n junction and the contact. This zero-dimensional (0D) quantum dot at the end of a 1D semiconductor is the reduced dimensional analog of the 2D inversion layer that forms at the boundary of a gated 3D semiconductor.
doi:10.1063/1.1396318 fatcat:p6myywfu7jc2fjzfsny7mlktfq