Sediment Variation Characteristics of Major Rivers in the Middle Reaches of the Yellow River

Yaxi Cai, Xiaodong Yang
2021 Journal of Architectural Research and Development  
The sediment sequence analysis of Mann-Kendall method based on major rivers of 10 hydrological station in the middle reaches of the Yellow River [1]. The results show that: The main rivers in the middle reaches of the Yellow River hydrologic station sediment overall showed a trend of decreased significantly. Sediment discharge of all stations except Gao Jiachuan station have reached the maximum in 1956-1969s [2-3]. Among various hydrologic station sediment discharge of inter-generational are
more » ... erally shows the tendency of reducing year by year. Calculate the sediment transport of major river basin of Yellow River, which average is 0.63.
doi:10.26689/jard.v5i5.2519 fatcat:la4c2tcombe27c5mimiuktxoh4