Monolithic integration of erbium-doped amplifiers with silicon-on-insulator waveguides

Laura Agazzi, Jonathan D. B. Bradley, Meindert Dijkstra, Feridun Ay, Gunther Roelkens, Roel Baets, Kerstin Wörhoff, Markus Pollnau
2010 Optics Express  
Monolithic integration of Al 2 O 3 :Er 3+ amplifier technology with passive silicon-on-insulator waveguides is demonstrated. A signal enhancement of >7 dB at 1533 nm wavelength is obtained. The straightforward wafer-scale fabrication process, which includes reactive cosputtering and subsequent reactive ion etching, allows for parallel integration of multiple amplifier and laser sections with silicon or other photonic circuits on a chip.
doi:10.1364/oe.18.027703 pmid:21197045 fatcat:cwzlwpezlzde3obcl7rebse2yu