OPE in Wilson lines with sub-eikonal spin corrections for TMDs and g1 structure function

Giovanni Antonio Chirilli, G.E. Bruno, G. Chiodini, D.M. Creanza, P. Colangelo, C. Corianò, F. De Fazio, E. Nappi
2018 EPJ Web of Conferences  
Low-x evolution of spin-dependent TMDs and spin g 1 structure function are relevant for the future Electron Ion Collider. To study spin-dynamics at high energies it is necessary to extend the eikonal approximation to include sub-eikonal corrections. I will discuss the Operator Product Expansion (OPE) in terms of Wilson lines with sub-eikonal corrections and derive the sub-eikonal quark propagator. 
doi:10.1051/epjconf/201819200013 fatcat:hfsqvk323rb6ph6pjd62fx6nui