Experimental measurements of multiphoton enhanced air breakdown by a subthreshold intensity excimer laser

Jesse Way, Jason Hummelt, John Scharer
2009 Journal of Applied Physics  
This work presents density, spectroscopic temperature, and shockwave measurements of laser induced breakdown plasma in atmospheric air by subthreshold intensity ͑5.5ϫ 10 9 W / cm 2 ͒ 193 nm laser radiation. Using molecular spectroscopy and two-wavelength interferometry, it is shown that substantial ionization ͑Ͼ10 16 cm −3 ͒ occurs that is not predicted by collisional cascade ͑CC͒ breakdown theory. While the focused laser irradiance is three orders of magnitude below the theoretical collisional
more » ... breakdown threshold, the substantial photon energy at 193 nm ͑6.42 eV/ photon͒ compared with the ionization potential of air ͑15.6 eV͒ significantly increases the probability of multiphoton ionization effects. By spectroscopically monitoring the intensity of the N 2 + first negative system ͑B 2 ⌺ u + − X 2 ⌺ g + ͒ vibrational bandhead ͑vЈ =0,vЉ =0͒ at low pressure ͑20 Torr͒ where multiphoton effects are dominant, it is shown that two photon excitation, resonant enhanced multiphoton ionization is the primary mechanism for quantized ionization of N 2 to the N 2 + ͑B 2 ⌺ u + ͒ state. This multiphoton effect then serves to amplify the collisional breakdown process at higher pressures by electron seeding, thereby reducing the threshold intensity from that required via CC processes for breakdown and producing high density laser formed plasmas.
doi:10.1063/1.3245332 fatcat:vpm6lz2icrbh5nqifr5fpcnhui