A design-driven exploration of photovoltaic applications in electric mobility systems

Alonzo Sierra, Angele Reinders
2020 2020 47th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC)  
This paper presents the results of a conceptual design study regarding photovoltaic applications in electric mobility systems while considering technical, user, regulatory and aesthetic aspects. A total of eleven different design projects were developed, mostly encompassing innovative applications for EV charging infrastructure, vehicle-integrated PV systems, or a combination of both. Four of these conceptual designs are presented and evaluated in detail in this paper, showing the potential
more » ... ntages that PV technology could bring to electric mobility systems not just in terms of CO2 emissions reduction but also regarding product aesthetics and user experience.
doi:10.1109/pvsc45281.2020.9300992 fatcat:fnisgyfcljar3gzue5xa3cup7a