Great Britain Ministry of Information – Daily Press Notices and Bulletins (1942-12-06) [article]

Great Britain. Ministry Of Information.
The photographs released, together with the statement, convey some idea of what that holocaust was like".. "None of the invaluable aircraft carriers was in the harbour; of the fifteen battleships in commission a year ago, four of the best of them (as veil as three secondline ships) escaped for the sane reason. Three mere suffered relatively light damage and returned to service 'moths age '. A further three soon will be restored to the fleet. The Arizona.,... and the capsized Oklahoma", were
more » ... old ships of somewhat dubious combat value. It may be noted that of the three sixteen inch gun 'post Jutland ' battleships in service at the time, the Colorado was not present, the Maryland was in the less heavily damaged group and only the West Virginia suffered severe damage.
doi:10.15781/t2hd7pb84 fatcat:2p4wdwl2h5gzdkw2s6mc4ffn3a