The Nanaimo Free Press [Friday, May 23, 1913] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
ER NIW MM IS HELD FOR MMSm mniuiii twrai CBBMIEBIIK mi ■ 'iamxih >» *utomDUte wWcb «wrtur»-•d «t eoraar <* WUma roMl and ^ Orwv-iUe. .trart Uat night. Louto *W.Mi. . ME WE :•«»•, wUh SwMM» drivtn* »iMl Min-, jg^y 23.-Empire W.«^. Igo rtitin* aloncahto Urn In the by eehooto iamoffm jroBt. I judge «« mMle at.out thirty than to previou. yeare. It i. Bdke an hour uatU ar« aWrd-ehtd that «'• miUlou etoihtrw _________________ uatU ar« awrd-clu,d ^^^t«d that «'• miUluB etoihtrw wU-kBOWu !«<»«« "d «*.
more » ... Vihmn ro^. A. ^ »•* «o>iiur axtiieer w-a kUtod 1«« towanto ihia o.oaatag. a gcoUand and Ireland are ralher lag-.anTRaiwi SwauHon proprietor of truck or deitvary wagoh of aonkj bo. . diuplay o< Patriotiam. the City Hotel. Wm. f^lt John Bor-turned in the thouaaml chUdr« wUl r3.-r3FirH, 7^721ouSl7 ^ tomordy. Hom B5 erU wUl iir ^ of the car Which prot ably «e:ng that th. ro«l -a. ŵ«e ta«y wrecked. Mr. Swanaon too harrow there, be turned waa dat«i»«l by the Point Grey po-the 1^. In^ng ' U .:r;« rsr""bring druhk and dlaordarly.. at the Bring In the reaV r Un« of the wKideot. the car, driven lently and partially aw^. W IB :::rr ^ r:..n"t::or'::u£: ^ :Ltin J on It. way. th-t I «w For ahnnat threa-..uar.«w </ «» tool box. ĥour following the dlaaater. Annoa, reat wwre baiHy ritaken. we by the roeaeWe-unattended. .ave by a. h-wa. quite dead. now of V«»ow»ri-. hU companion.. whH. the dead body 3^^ "rtim. ww. a Oman-^ B0'. A. K. of mngd lay there for two bourn. ^aat. about 8S yairu B D of V, FlnaHy. aft* waiting w» Itmg for the ^ ^ ^ ^^1
doi:10.25316/ir-9990 fatcat:kwr3xkgi4rdobmrdv5zii53lme