Textual summarization of events leading to health alerts

Akshay Jain, James M. Keller
2015 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC)  
Extracting information from the sensors installed in the homes of elderly pose a unique set of challenges. Add to it the short amount of time the clinicians and nurses have to analyze this data, and the problem becomes more complicated. A system already in place at an "Aging in Place" facility monitors the activities of residents through multiple nonintrusive sensors and sends alerts on detecting an unusual event. We present an approach to generate textual summaries of events leading to the
more » ... ts. We analyze our system using four case studies and also list the comments provided by collaborators in healthcare domain. The system was then iterated to take some of those suggestions into account to give a glimpse of what an ideal system should look like.
doi:10.1109/embc.2015.7320160 pmid:26738060 dblp:conf/embc/JainK15 fatcat:x3weyasmyrcy5o7vwwrk34d2fu