Evaluation of Auxiliary Tracker Approach to Solving the EED Problem at Robins AFB, Georgia [report]

Thomas C. Stockdale, John K. Webb, H. Feldman, Daniel W. Luke
1992 unpublished
Hanscom Air Force Base, Massachusetts 92-06941 Il ilt fJ!J it 111111 IK r[ U1 Project No. 650J Prepared by The MITRE Corporation App,-,cd ,. ,bhh, ,lca" Bedford, Massachusetts di',trihtl ,it i tn t telirm ted. L _ Contract No. F19628-89-C-0001 WVhen U.S. Govieinment dia%%ings, specifications or, other data arce Used fl n pui-pose other han a dcfin itelx related government procuremieni operation, the government thereby incurs no~ responsibilit% nlor any obligation whatsoever: aind] the fact that
more » ... the govm ein i ma v ha~ c ot-miilated, furnished. or-in an% wkay supplied the said drawkings. specifticat ins, oV other data is no toI be igarded b\ implication or-(ihcr\6isC as iii an% manner licenising the holder or-any\ oti erperso n of conveying any righits or-per'm sion io manufacture. use, or-sell an\ paicnicd inxent ion that may in an\ %\a\ be related; he[ rCo Donota retuiirn ithis cop\. Reta in oi-dest ii v RE VIEW AND APPROVAL This technical report has been reviewed and is approved I'r1 pUblication.
doi:10.21236/ada247634 fatcat:hif64r3q2jccxhxixep45gllbe