Production of a Thermostable Α-Amylase and its Assay using Bacillus Licheniformis Isolated from Excavated Land Sites in Ibadan, Nigeria

EO Oziengbe, AA Onilude
2012 Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences  
Screening for amylolytic properties from obtained isolates was carried out on starch agar plates while production and characterization of α-amylase was carried out using submerged fermentation. The isolated organism was identified as Bacillus licheniformis. Physiological studies on the isolate showed that temperature of 55ºC and pH 7 was optimum for growth of the organism while fructose (1%), peptone (0.5%), pH 7 and temperature of 60ºC supported optimum amylase production. Crude
more » ... n of α-amylase revealed optimum amylolytic activity at pH 7 and a temperature of 70ºC. The isolated Bacillus licheniformis produced thermostable α-amylase with characteristics suitable for use in starch processing other industries.
doi:10.4314/bajopas.v5i1.24 fatcat:rjst7ngqordehm2l547mb6bhoy