Microgrid Optimal State Estimation Over IoT Wireless Sensor Networks With Event-Based Measurements

Seyed Amir Alavi, Mehrnaz Javadipour, Kamyar Mehran
2019 IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society  
In a microgrid, real-time state estimation has always been a challenge due to several factors such as the complexity of computations, constraints of the communication network and low inertia. In this paper, a real-time event-based optimal linear state estimator is introduced, which uses the send-ondelta data collection approach over wireless sensors networks and exhibits low computation and communication resources cost. By employing the send-on-delta event-based measurement strategy, the burden
more » ... over the wireless sensor network is reduced due to the transmission of events only when there is a significant variation in the signals. The state estimator structure is developed based on the linear Kalman filter with the additional steps for the centralized fusion of events data and optimal reconstruction of signals by projection onto convex sets. Also for the practical feasibility analysis, this paper developed an Internet of things prototype platform based on LoRaWAN protocol that satisfies the requirements of the proposed state estimator in a microgrid.
doi:10.1109/iecon.2019.8927727 dblp:conf/iecon/AlaviJM19 fatcat:ibj4lwoipfh77mf676kyeclkz4