Brauer group analogues of results relating the Witt ring to valuations and Galois theory

Yoon Sung Hwang, Bill Jacob
1995 Canadian Journal of Mathematics - Journal Canadien de Mathematiques  
and its relationship to valuation theory and Galois theory. Sufficient conditions on the pairing which guarantee the existence of a valuation on the field are described. In the non/7-adic case these results provide a converse to the well-known structure theory in this situation. In the/?-adic case, the pairing is described using the notion of "relative rigidity". These results are analogues of results in quadratic form theory developed in the past decade, which cover the special case/? = 2.
more » ... ications to the maximal pro-/? Galois group of F are also described.
doi:10.4153/cjm-1995-029-4 fatcat:skk2jx4wf5bvtfyo2jj2wpk27i