Effects of Mn and Zr addition in 6000 series aluminum alloys on substructure formation during hot deformation

Hiroki Tanaka, Yasunori Nagai
2016 Keikinzoku/Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals  
Thermal stability of substructures in 6000 series aluminum alloys containing Mn and Zr elements was investigated using plane-strain compression test. In order to form thermally stabilized substructures, the deformation parameters should be selected so as to correlate with kinetic precipitation during the deformation. For substructures of the alloys containing Mn and Zr elements, the substructures were stable during heat treatment at 540°C when the alloys were deformed at a temperature above
more » ... C. The sheets rolled above 350°C at a strain rate of under 3 s 1 per pass showed the fibrous structure after the heat treatment at 580°C. The sheets with the fibrous structure had an average Lankford value larger than 1.
doi:10.2464/jilm.66.2 fatcat:evs32npvqnaxrishva33j5atnu