Optimization of color and COD removal from livestock wastewater by electrocoagulation process: Application of Box–Behnken design (BBD)

Bong-yul Tak, Bong-sik Tak, Young-ju Kim, Yong-jin Park, Young-hun Yoon, Gil-ho Min
2015 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry  
A B S T R A C T The present work aims to study the removal of color and COD from livestock wastewater by electrocoagulation (EC) process using Al electrodes. The Box-Behnken design and response surface methodology were used to investigate the effects of major operating variables and optimization conditions. The predicted values of responses obtained using the response function agree well with the experimental data. Economical operating conditions and removal efficiencies were found to be pH of
more » ... , current density of 30 mA/cm 2 , electrolysis time of 30 min and NaCl concentration of 1 g/L, and 95.2% (Y 1 ) and 93% (Y 2 ), respectively.
doi:10.1016/j.jiec.2015.03.008 fatcat:7zpyriiasrgdnkm3prkwv64jeq