Analyzing and detecting hemorrhagic and ischemic strokebased on bit plane slicing and edge detection algorithms

Warqaa Shaher Alazawee, Zobeda Hatif Naji, Weaam Talaat Ali
2022 Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science  
Nowadays, in the medical world, analyzing and diagnosing acute brain stroke and its location is a difficult process. In many hospitals, however, striking symptoms with the use of computed tomography (CT) imaging for patients is an important step in screening and diagnosis. Furthermore, computer-assisted accurate detection of diseased brain regions Because of the several sorts of strokes, their uneven form, and their great intensity and size, aided design is extremely challenging. Using the bit
more » ... lan slice technique and the canny detector, we created and suggested a novel approach. Our algorithm produces excellent outcomes. The results demonstrate that our proposed algorithm is an accurate and reliable technique. This study also indicates that this system can detect two different types of strokes: hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes. The results of a comparison study of our suggested technique and other methods such as negative and logarithmic transformation methods are also included in this article.
doi:10.11591/ijeecs.v25.i2.pp1003-1010 fatcat:hnmsfdm4prddtntmb6cxcdjb3i