GMJ volume 21 issue 2 Cover and Front matter

1980 Glasgow Mathematical Journal  
Weight functions on extensions of the compound manual 97 Mario Petrich, The conjugate hull of an inverse semigroup 103 J. R. L. Webb, On the homotopy property of degree for multivalued noncompact maps 125 Mark L. Teply, Semiprime semigroup rings and a problem of J. Weissglass 131 Camilla R. Jordan, On the group ring of a free product with amalgamation 135 James Wiegold, A problem in Lie rings 139 Charles A. Akemann and Steve Wright, Compact actions on C*-algebras 143 P. F. Smith, Localization
more » ... non-Noetherian group rings 151 Brian Fisher, Results on common fixed points on complete metric spaces 165 D. H. Smith, Perfect codes in the graphs O k and L(O k ) 169 M. H. Bijan-Zadeh, A common generalization of local cohomology theories 173 C. K. Fong, A note on liftings of hermitian elements and unitaries 183 Heiko Harborth and Heinz-Michael Nitzschke, Solution of Irving's Ramsey problem 187 Earl Berkson and Horacio Porta, The group of isometries on Hardy spaces of the n-ball and the polydisc 199 Jiirgen Tappe, Autoclinisms and automorphisms of finite groups II 205 Stavros Papastravridis, Killing rational characteristic classes by surgery 209 © Glasgow MathematicalJoumal 1980 SCOTTISH ACADEMIC PRESS LIMITED 33 MONTGOMERY STREET EDINBURGH EH7 5JX https://doi.
doi:10.1017/s0017089500004213 fatcat:6vasjla22vdqfhcqm7agpy7dmm