Neglected segmental patella fracture: A case report and review of literature

Gaurav Punia, Sunaina Kharb, Dr. Anil Kumar Gulia, Dr. Sanjeev Bansal, Dr. Shashipal Chandan, Dr. Mahesh CS
2020 International Journal of Case Reports in Orthopaedics  
Fractures of patella constitute only 1% of all skeletal injuries. Mechanism of injury can be either by a direct impact or by indirect eccentric extensor contraction. Management depends on the personality of fracture, displacement, articular surface involvement, and the status of the patient's extensor mechanism. Several techniques have been described for patellar fracture fixation. Case Report: We present a case of a 35 year old male who had a 3 months old segmental fracture of the patella.
more » ... r dissecting all the fibrous tissue in-between the fracture fragments, the 3-piece patella was fixed using principle of tension band construct. Discussion: There have been several techniques described in literature for the treatment of patella fractures depending upon the personality of fracture like tension band wiring, cerclage wiring, cannulated screw fixation, trans-osseous suture, partial patellectomy, etc. Conclusion: This stable fixation allowed us to start immediate physiotherapy program and has resulted in a good functional result at one-year follow-up.
doi:10.22271/27078345.2020.v2.i1a.12 fatcat:jpo72zgv3rbg7nd7fsg7opbfma