Investigating the Properties of Brown Dwarfs Using Intermediate-Resolution Spectroscopy [article]

James Ignatius Canty, UH Research Archive, UH Research Archive
This thesis is an investigation into some properties of brown dwarfs using medium-resolution spectroscopy. In the first part of the thesis, I address the issue of parameter degeneracy in brown dwarfs. In the course of my analysis, I derive a gravity-sensitive spectral index which can be used, statistically at least, to differentiate populations of young objects from field dwarfs. The index is also capable of finding the difference between a population of ~1 Myr objects and a population of ~10
more » ... r objects and may be used to separate low-mass members from foreground and background objects in young clusters and associations. The second part of my thesis is an investigation into the major opacity sources in the atmospheres of late T dwarfs. I look particularly at CH4 and NH3 absorption features in the near-infrared spectra of these objects. In my analysis, I identify new absorption features produced by these molecules. I also correct features which had previously been wrongly identified. This has been made possible by the use of high quality data, together with a new CH4 synthetic line list, which is more complete at these temperatures than any previously available list
doi:10.18745/th.15194 fatcat:7xqcqfvpxbeilpvqzcw3rdlwde