Types and the role of teacher's questions in science classroom practice

D S Rahayu, S Hendayana, A Mudzakir, S Rahmawan
2019 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
In science experiment, questioning is a major scientific skill in science classroom practice. Questions that encourage scientific investigation can come from many sources including teachers and students. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of how the teacher presents the questions and find out the role of teacher's questions in science classroom. This research involves a teacher who taught two science classes at a Junior High School. The learning activities were audio and video
more » ... ecorded. Then recorded was transcribed and analysed. The analysis is devoted to interactions involving questions. Interactional issues related to the way of speaking and questions that encourage student's responses and thinking are discussed in this study. The results show that types and characteristic of teacher's questions involve explication questions, scientific practice questions, explanation questions, and science concept questions. The role of teacher's question are to guide students in building knowledge and help students learn about scientific practice, explain phenomena, and develop explanations of the phenomenon This information provides a description of effective investigation questions in science learning practice, and also useful for teachers in identifying appropriate skills for teacher education and further professional development.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1157/2/022040 fatcat:32tdfv4fffhhblgzi2mzryq4yy