Seeds of wisdom: Adolescents' knowledge and judgment about difficult life problems

Monisha Pasupathi, Ursula M. Staudinger, Paul B. Baltes
2001 Developmental Psychology  
The present study examined adolescents' wisdom-related knowledge and judgment with a heterogeneous sample of 146 adolescents (ages 14-20 years) and a comparison sample of 58 young adults (ages 21-37 years). Participants responded to difficult and ill-defined life dilemmas; expert raters evaluated these responses along 5 wisdom criteria. Our findings confirmed that in contrast to adulthood, adolescence is a major period for normative age-graded development in knowledge about difficult life
more » ... ms. Adolescents performed at lower levels than young adults but also demonstrated substantial age increments in performance. As expected, adolescents' performance varied as a function of criterion and gender. These results hold implications for research on adolescent development and for the development of wisdom-related knowledge and judgment.
doi:10.1037/0012-1649.37.3.351 pmid:11370911 fatcat:k75kx5hnbfhjvinxh5webehrvi