Türkiye'de Uluslararası Politik Ekonomi: Alt-disiplinin Gelişimi ve Mevcut Durumu

Seçkin KÖSTEM, Ömer Faruk ŞEN
2020 Uluslararasi Iliskiler/ International Relations  
Since its emergence in the 1970s, international political economy (IPE) has been one of the main subfields of International Relations (IR) in North America and Britain. The past two decades have witnessed a growing academic interest in IPE among Turkish IR scholars. This study explores the emergence, evolution and the current state of IPE studies in Turkey. Based on an original dataset, it examines the research dimension of Turkish IPE and presents a comprehensive overview of the thematic,
more » ... etical and methodological orientations of the publications of Turkish IPE scholars. It also offers implications on the sociology of IPE in Turkey.
doi:10.33458/uidergisi.720626 fatcat:qxxih3ybgvc57hk5b7q74yi3gq