
2020 IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine  
DECEMBER 2020 | IEEE NANOTECHNOLOGY MAGAZINE | 1 SCOPE-The scope of IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine (INM) is all aspects of nanotechnology including theory, analysis, design, implementation, and applications related to the creation of materials, devices, structures, etc. by manipulating matter at the nanometer-length scale and taking advantage of novel (physical, chemical, electrical, mechanical, optical, magnetic, and biological) properties that arise solely due to the nanometer scale. Contents
more » ... e written at a general level aimed at a broad audience. The magazine publishes articles covering new research and developments toward a broad audience, tutorials, and surveys in the field of nanotechnology in addition to industry news, research news, education news, policy news, opinion pieces, book reviews, updates on people, introductions to new tools and techniques, funding and meeting news, patent summaries, and commercialization.
doi:10.1109/mnano.2020.3033861 fatcat:5i4lal6tfragbhxzgzhlcjcrcm