Relationship between serum TSH levels and intrarenal hemodynamic parameters in euthyroid subjects

Akihiro Tsuda, Masaaki Inaba, Mitsuru Ichii, Akinobu Ochi, Yoshiteru Ohno, Shinya Nakatani, Shinsuke Yamada, Katsuhito Mori, Hideki Tahara, Eiji Ishimura
2013 European Journal of Endocrinology  
ObjectiveLow thyroid function may be associated with a reduced glomerular filtration rate (GFR) calculated on the basis of creatinine metabolism. Thyroid hormone directly affects serum creatinine in muscle and low thyroid function might exert a similar direct effect in the kidney. The goal of the study was to evaluate this possibility by assessment of the inulin-based GFR and to examine the mechanism underlying the reduction of GFR.Patients and methodsRenal and glomerular hemodynamics were
more » ... sed by simultaneous measurements of plasma clearance of para-aminohippurate (CPAH) and inulin (Cin) in 26 patients with serum creatinine <1.00 mg/dl and without thyroid disease. All subjects were normotensive with or without antihypertensive treatment and were kept in a sodium-replete state. Renal and glomerular hemodynamics were calculated using Gomez's formulae.ResultsSerum TSH, including within the normal range (0.69–4.30 μIU/ml), was positively correlated with vascular resistance at the afferent arteriole (Ra) (r=0.609, P=0.0010), but not at the efferent arteriole (Re). Serum TSH was significantly and negatively correlated with renal plasma flow (RPF), renal blood flow (RBF), and GFR (r=−0.456, P=0.0192; r=−0.438, P=0.0252; r=−0.505, P=0.0086 respectively). In multiple regression analysis, serum TSH was significantly positively associated with Ra after adjustment for age and mean blood pressure.ConclusionsThese findings suggest that low thyroid function, even within the normal range, is associated with reduced RPF, RBF, and GFR, which might be caused by a preferential increase in Ra.
doi:10.1530/eje-13-0026 pmid:23585555 fatcat:o3zrsfiadre4jlmnleiytzzm4u