Raman Solitons in Nanoscale Optical Waveguides, with Metamaterials, Having Polynomial Law Nonlinearity Using Collective Variables [chapter]

Yanan Xu, Jun Ren, Matthew C. Tanzy
2018 Emerging Waveguide Technology  
A mathematical analysis is conducted to illustrate the controllability of the Raman soliton self-frequency shift with polynomial nonlinearity in metamaterials by using collective variable method. The polynomial nonlinearity is due to the expanding nonlinear polarization P NL in a series over the field E up to the seventh order. Gaussian assumption is selected to these pulses on a generalized mode. The numerical simulation of soliton parameter variation is given for the Gaussian pulse parameters.
doi:10.5772/intechopen.75121 fatcat:4eaabkewrbdarh5pqislutodei