A quality-based fixed-step power control algorithm with adaptive target threshold

Chi Wan Sung, Kin Kwong Leung, Wing Shing Wong
2000 IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology  
A simple adaptive fixed-step power control algorithm for mobile cellular systems is proposed. While most of the power control algorithms are based on the received signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) to adjust the transmitter power, our algorithm can be based on any generic quality-of-service (QoS) measure. Examples of such a measure include the SIR measure and the bit-error-rate (BER) measure. Furthermore, our algorithm does not require the knowledge of the exact relation between the QoS measure
more » ... and the SIR. As long as the QoS measure changes monotonically with the SIR, our algorithm is proven to converge to a specified target region. Index Terms-Cellular mobile system, power control, quality-ofservice (QoS) tracking. Chi Wan Sung received the B.Eng., M.Phil. and
doi:10.1109/25.875276 fatcat:fc5ojo64xrezljjqixxtjr32p4