Numerical Analyis of the Low-Altitude Air Turbulence Mathematical Models Used in Modelling of the Spatial Motion of the Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Róbert Szabolcsi
2017 International conference KNOWLEDGE-BASED ORGANIZATION  
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles designed and manufactured often with unknown origin but available in sale of the model aircraft market rarely deals with weather circumstances and conditions defining clearances for safe air operations of the UAV. UAVs used in low-altitude flight missions are often threatened by atmospheric turbulences leading either to high angle-of-attack (AoA) or leading to the stall of the UAV. There are many mathematical models well-known and widely applied in piloted aircraft
more » ... ion when to simulate atmospheric turbulences affecting spatial motion of the aircraft. This paper targets to evaluate and simulate numerically the low-altitude air turbulences, and, to examine the vertical gust speed of the small UAV. The UAV behaviour examined numerically will support to find weather clearances ensuring UAV flight safety having the level equal or higher to that level of manned aircraft regulated well-before. A computer code in MATLAB environment is created to support numerical analysis of the small UAV behaviour in low altitude atmospheric turbulence.
doi:10.1515/kbo-2017-0165 fatcat:d5esxrgs6fefjbd4ez2cofvsze