Sierra Leone: Sixth Review Under the Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility, Request for Waiver for Nonobservance of a Performance Criterion, Request for a Three-Year Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility, and

International Monetary Fund
2010 IMF Staff Country Reports  
Approved by Seán Nolan and Dominique Desruelle May 19, 2010 Fund relations. The Executive Board approved on May 10, 2006 a three-year PRGF arrangement in an amount equivalent to SDR 31.11 million (30 percent of quota). The arrangement was later extended to June 30, 2010. Two augmentations of access in an amount equivalent to SDR 10.4 million each (about 10 percent of quota) were approved by the Executive Board upon the completion of the third and the fourth review in December 2008 and June
more » ... respectively. Six disbursements totaling SDR 44.88 million have been made. With the completion of the sixth review, a final disbursement of SDR 7 million will be made available. Staff team. The mission comprised Mr. Mikkelsen (head), Mr. Million and Ms. Saxena (all AFR) and Mr. Palmason (SPR). It was assisted by Mr. Tjirongo (Resident Representative). Messrs. Itam and Tucker (OED) participated in several meetings.
doi:10.5089/9781455203352.002 fatcat:jaj57bqrknfq7l45lavptotn5q