Taşıt Lastiklerinde Diş Aşınma İndeksinin Ekonomik ve Çevresel Etkileri

Emre ARABACI, Bayram KILIÇ, Recep Çağrı ORMAN
2020 El-Cezeri: Journal of Science and Engineering  
The only component in contact with the ground is the vehicle wheels. Tires used in vehicle wheels are quite diverse on the market. Although the tire tread pattern and brand are used as an important parameter in the purchase of vehicle tires, the tire treadwear index, which is an indicator of tire life, is unfortunately ignored. In this study, the economic and environmental effects of the tire treadwear index were examined using the price and tire treadwear index values for 7 different
more » ... ers, 20 different models and 3 different dimensions for these tire models. Every 100 tire treadwear index value indicates 32000 km tire usage life and tire sales prices have not changed according to tire treadwear index. However, considering the number of tire changes during the economic usage period of the vehicle (about 10 years≅160000 km), it is determined that a saving of up to 70% can be achieved. The same is true for reducing particulate matter emissions (or CO 2 equivalent emissions) caused by tire wear. The results of the study are especially important and interesting for vehicle manufacturers and tire dealers. However, this study provided very practical information, especially in terms of assessing the economic and environmental impacts of vehicle owners' tire choice.
doi:10.31202/ecjse.681137 fatcat:j5iiqnnr4bcwle26qvxjjizvwe