Iterative Solution of Linear Systems in Circuit Simulation [chapter]

W. H. A. Schilders
2002 Mathematics in Industry  
An overview is given of iterative t e c hniques for the solution of linear systems which occur during the simulation of electronic circuits. In developing a suitable method, several characteristics of electronic circuits have been used. The ordering of the unknowns is based on the observation that two t ypes exist, namely currents and voltages. Furthermore, the linear systems are of a hierarchical structure which is quite di erent from what is found in discretized partial di erential equations.
more » ... Methods have been developed which m a k e use of the aforementioned characteristics, and which a r e v ery suitable for the solution of large linear systems.
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-04784-2_37 fatcat:phezvwf4arhf7hgkyzz5zhuioy