Peacebuilding requirements in post-conflict societies

Zyad Samir Al-Dabagh
2020 Tikrit Journal For Political Science  
The process of building peace and laying its foundations within the societies of the world, especially those newly emerging from the stage of conflict, are among the important and indispensable matters. Without peace, opportunities diminish in obtaining the essentials of a safe and normal life, and without peace, societies cannot It works and advances towards a better future. However, peacebuilding operations in many societies emerging from conflict or those in which they live may face a set of
more » ... challenges and obstacles that constitute a major obstacle to them, which necessitates searching for the best ways and means by which these obstacles can be addressed in order to build a real and effective peace that is reflected Positively on the people of those societies.
doi:10.25130/poltic.v0i19.219 fatcat:7fxr7wfwgbgnfndejwsmlmgms4