Overview Of Context-aware Recommender System Research

Haohan Liu, Hongli Zhang, Kanghua Hui, Huaiqing He
2015 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation   unpublished
The traditional recommendation system usually ignored the contextual information. However, there are usually various factors influencing user's decision. Therefore, the incorporation of contextual information in the recommendation process has attracted major interest. In this paper, firstly, the classical collaborative filtering, content-based, network-based architecture and hybrid recommender system research since 2008 are described. Secondly, the research in context-aware recommender system
more » ... e mainly described, then its characteristics and limitations are analyzed. Finally, the problems and challenges of context-aware recommender system are summarized, and some improved methods and possible future research directions are put forward.
doi:10.2991/icmra-15.2015.235 fatcat:pnlzmoylobfxrh6tzinlckjxwy