Readiness To Adopt Virtual Team Among Medium- Sized Companies In Malaysia

Ke Wei Chong, Nor Hazana Abdullah, Norsam Tasli Mohd Razali
2022 Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business  
In Malaysia, medium sized companies was faced immature management in virtual team and lack of research focus in adoption virtual team. There have three objectives identified in this study which is future drivers, readiness and future trends of virtual team adoption among medium sized company in Malaysia. There are 328 populations had been chosen as the sample sizes. In this study, 31 participants from management of medium sized companies, Johor Malaysia involved. This study used exploratory
more » ... arch design utilizing foresight methods. STEEPV analysis was used to identify the key drivers of virtual team adoption and adopted in impact-uncertainty analysis. The four scenarios generated by top two drivers which is 'connectivity between interpersonal relationships' and 'High rapid economic development' which are in dimensions of mature adoption, resistance, growing adoption, and preferred and success in conventional teams. A technology readiness index was conducted and obtained a high level of technology readiness result
doi:10.17687/jeb.v10i1.866 fatcat:miwwt5vjkvblxevyh6gdhzamli