Rethinking Market Governance and Energy Security [chapter]

Youngho Chang, Swee Lean Collin Koh
2012 Energy and Non-Traditional Security (NTS) in Asia  
Energy security is no longer just a matter of securing access to adequate energy supplies-it is concerned with other aspects as well, such as the environmental and social costs of energy use. This chapter presents the principles of good market governance and argues that proper market governance in the energy sector, combining government regulatory measures and the workings of the free market, would be instrumental in ensuring long-term energy security. Japan is presented as a case country. The
more » ... hapter illustrates that Japan, by adopting proper market governance in the energy sector, has not only ensured the sustainability of energy supplies but also mitigated accompanying environmental and sociopolitical risks of energy use, albeit the Fukushima accident, which has forced it to review and upgrade its market governance.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29706-9_2 fatcat:r2jmdi2wqfbqnb4wsqux3jovlm