Short pulse laser-induced dissociation of vibrationally cold, trapped molecular ions

J D Alexander, C R Calvert, R B King, O Kelly, W A Bryan, G R A J Nemeth, W R Newell, C A Froud, I C E Turcu, E Springate, P A Orr, J Pedregosa-Gutierrez (+4 others)
2009 Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics  
An electrostatic trapping scheme for use in the study of light-induced dissociation of molecular ions is outlined. We present a detailed description of the electrostatic reflection storage device and specifically demonstrate its use in the preparation of a vibrationally cold ensemble of deuterium hydride (HD + ) ions. By interacting an intense femtosecond laser with this target and detecting neutral fragmentation products, we are able to elucidate previously inaccessible dissociation dynamics
more » ... r fundamental diatomics in intense laser fields. In this context, we present new results of intense field dissociation of HD + which are interpreted in terms of recent theoretical calculations.
doi:10.1088/0953-4075/42/15/154027 fatcat:nlklqajv2jczlniglbs3kw5pga