Existence of naked singularities in the Brans–Dicke theory of gravitation. An analytical and numerical study

Nabil Bedjaoui, Philippe G LeFloch, José M Martín-García, Jérôme Novak
2010 Classical and quantum gravity  
Within the framework of the scalar-tensor models of gravitation and by relying on analytical and numerical techniques, we establish the existence of a class of spherically symmetric spacetimes containing a naked singularity. Our result relies on and extends a work by Christodoulou on the existence of naked singularities for the Einstein-scalar field equations. We establish that a key parameter in Christodoulou's construction couples to the Brans-Dicke field and becomes a dynamical variable,
more » ... h enlarges and modifies the phase space of solutions. We recover analytically many properties first identified by Christodoulou, in particular the loss of regularity (especially at the center), and then investigate numerically the properties of these spacetimes.
doi:10.1088/0264-9381/27/24/245010 fatcat:ajxkxk4xanddfczoi2dlmjhtzu