Análise sobre a produtividade no setor industrial brasileiro no contexto da indústria 4.0 [thesis]

Jhonata Matos
Based on the context of Industry 4.0, this work aims to analyze the impact of innovation and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on the labor productivity of Brazilian industrial companies. It is considered that from the innovative effort and the use of ICT it is possible to increase the productivity, flexibility, and intelligence rates of the means of production, thus resulting in smarter, more automated, and more productive factories. Initially, the study develops in the first
more » ... pter a review of the theoretical and empirical literature that analyzes the relationship between innovation, ICT, and productivity. Then, in the second chapter, an analysis is developed on the use of ICT in Brazilian industrial companies based on data from the research carried out by the Regional Center for The Development of the Information Society (CETIC). The database consolidates data from about 1200 companies classified by size for the year 2019. In the third chapter, an empirical study is carried out using the databases of the Annual Industrial Survey (PIA) and Innovation Research (Pintec) of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). In addition, information from the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE) uses information from the Annual Social Information List (RAIS) to obtain data on employment in the Brazilian industrial sector. With the use of these databases, this chapter proposes an analysis, using the panel data method, on the effects of innovation and ICT on labor productivity in these sectors during the years 2000 to 2017. Among the results found, it can be verified that the Brazilian industrial sector makes use of ICT, makes investment, R&D spending and spending on innovations and training, but needs incentives for firms to continue their efforts to improve labor productivity. In addition, it is possible to affirm that investments made, expenditure on innovation, R&D, and employee training result in increased labor productivity in both periods analyzed in the short and long term. The analyzed models do not use qualitative variables aimed at the sectors, nor did they use possible dummies for political instability and economic crises that occurred in the period that can negatively contribute to performance and incentive to innovations in the industrial sector. In summary, it can be concluded that the Brazilian industrial sector has difficulties to incorporate ICT in industrial activity and results in low returns on investments, R&D, expenditure on innovation and training in labor productivity.
doi:10.14393/ufu.di.2022.5054 fatcat:i3gtwwllgrculefbscxxtbt3ri