Evaluation of Maternal Health Services at Session Site During Health and Nutrition Day in Urban Slums of Western Odisha

2021 Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development  
:UHND would serve as a common platform to deliver maternaland nutrition services to the urban poor population. This study was formulated with the Objectives :1) To assess the availability of resources for providing maternal health services in the study area. 2) To determine the utilisation pattern among the beneficiaries at session sites.3) To study the association of socio-demographic characteristic's of the beneficiaries with the utilisation of services by them. Material & Methodology : A
more » ... s-sectional study carried out in the UHND sessions being conducted under UHTC of Burla for a period of 3months i.e August-October 2019.25 UHND session sites were taken for input and process evaluation & 4 pregnant women from each session i.e total of 100 were included for outcome evaluation.Data collected by semi-structured, pre-tested checklist which includes questionnaire's regarding the presence of service providers at the session site, availability of required equipment's and the direct observation of service provision at the site and the benefits of the services availed by the beneficiaries.Results:Out of 25 UHND session being conducted under UHTC, Burla it was found out that 24 i.e (96%) of session sites were conducted as per micro-plan.Display of IEC banner was at 80% of session sites.Fetoscope was not available at all the session sites while measuring tape and gloves were available at 56% and 68% of session sites.Abdominal examination &FHS auscultation was not done in any session site due to absence of Privacy &fetoscope.In our study it was found that service utilisation is inadequate among 48% of the beneficiaries.Conclusion:Satisfactory maternal services were provided in many session sites, but still there is some lacuna in the services. Effective training and retraining of all health workers at regular interval is required for morebetter outcome.
doi:10.37506/ijphrd.v12i1.13893 fatcat:xzlz2433qnc5rhafu6ji4n4hii