Information decision-making support for periodic maintenance of gas balloon equipment
Andrew A. Evstifeev, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)
Journal Of Applied Informatics
The issues of information support for decision-making during periodic maintenance of gas-cylinder equipment of vehicles running on natural gas, ensuring safe operation, contributing to an increase in the efficiency of transportation of goods and goods: reducing vehicle downtime due to failure of the fuel system using gas fuel by 10–18%; reducing the likelihood of functioning of gas equipment in hazardous modes by 12–17%. The technical requirements for gas equipment and procedures for its
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... c maintenance are formulated. The concept of the formation and application of a unified state register of gas equipment, which is a tool for limiting admission to the turnover of products that does not meet regulatory and market requirements, is proposed. An information-logical model of decision-making support has been developed, which allows, depending on the current technical condition of assemblies and parts, based on the specified requirements for the duration of the period between maintenance, to propose the best option for carrying out diagnostic, repair and commissioning measures for gas-cylinder equipment of vehicles. The procedure for the formation of an extended list of measures for periodic maintenance of gas equipment is presented on the example of individual nodes of the fuel system of a vehicle running on compressed natural gas. The software implementation of the information- logical model is carried out in the form of a plug-in extension to the database core of the decision support information system for the operation of gas equipment, implemented on the Oracle database management system with integrated support for the high-level object- oriented language Java. For the convenience of working with the information-logical model, a computational and analytical module of the information system for decision-making support during the operation of gas-cylinder equipment with elements of fuzzy logic has been developed. The model was tested on the example of the implementation of measures during the periodic maintenance of the gas equipment of the KamAZ 65116 truck.