Overview of Data Acquisition Technology in Underwater Acoustic Detection

Chi Zhang, Fang Xiao
2021 Procedia Computer Science  
The deep sea has a large strategic depth, in which target detection is a crucial link, that is, how to detect the target submarine. For this reason, since this century, countries represented by the United States have innovated ideas, innovated underwater detection technology, and enhanced new underwater detection capabilities. In this paper, by consulting more than 100 literatures, the data acquisition technology in underwater acoustic detection in recent years has been investigated in detail,
more » ... assive detection and active detection have been comprehensively reviewed, and the collaborative detection technology has also been summarized. In order to provide reference for related research. Abstract The deep sea has a large strategic depth, in which target detection is a crucial link, that is, how to detect the target submarine. For this reason, since this century, countries represented by the United States have innovated ideas, innovated underwater detection technology, and enhanced new underwater detection capabilities. In this paper, by consulting more than 100 literatures, the data acquisition technology in underwater acoustic detection in recent years has been investigated in detail, passive detection and active detection have been comprehensively reviewed, and the collaborative detection technology has also been summarized. In order to provide reference for related research.
doi:10.1016/j.procs.2021.05.061 fatcat:nf5mp6twd5gs5bc4nlp7sxwrd4