Epidemics of Lower Respiratory Tract Infection that Occurred to Children at a Local Institute for Children's Adoption and Welfare

Mi Hwa Yang, Chan Sook Park, So Young Yoon, Jae Youn Kim, Don Hee Ahn
2002 Korean Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases  
Purpose : We analyzed clinical features and causal viruses of acute lower respiratory tract infections(LRTIs) in order to improve the management of these infections. Methods : From end of April to early May 2001, amongst 30 children at a local institute for children's adoption and welfare, 13 were admitted to the hospital with the diagnostic impression of acute LRTIs. Nasopharyngeal aspirates were sent in Seoul National University Hospital for viral culture of respiratory syncytial virus(RSV),
more » ... denovirus, parainfluenza virus. Results : One or more viral agents were identified in 4 cases(30.7%) : were RSV(15.4%), adenovirus(7.7%), and a mix of these two viruses(7.7%). Initial symptoms were fever(69%), cough(100%), tachypnea(54%), chest retraction(69%), rale(85%) and wheezing(15%). Leukocytosis was noted in 23%, CRP increased more than 10 mg/L in 46%. Chest X-ray abnormalities were 69%. Conclusion : Although viruses were identified in 30.7%, further studies should be made for prevention and treatment of acute viral LRTIs.
doi:10.14776/kjpid.2002.9.2.201 fatcat:5swt5ui2effctdq4cj6sddmlha