Exploring Cinema Databases using multi-dimensional Image Measures [post]

Robin G. C. Maack, David H. Rogers, Hans Hagen, Christina Gillmann
2020 unpublished
Exa-scale simulations can be hard to analyze because it is nearly impossible to store all computed time-steps and other parameters. The Cinema Database provides a storage-saving solution, that captures images of each simulation time-step from a variety of camera angles. Still, the resulting number of images can be overwhelming and it is hard to find interesting images and features for further analysis. We present a zoom based approach where users can utilize arbitrary image measures to explore
more » ... nteresting images and further analyze their behaviour in detail. We showed the effectiveness of our approach by providing two real world Cinema datasets.
doi:10.31219/osf.io/4xks7 fatcat:zo4izeunyjanfnqkxdkds6afva