Study on Service Quality of Chain Pharmacy–a Case Study of Chain Pharmacy in Guangdong Province

Zhang Yu
2020 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Humanities and Social Science Research (ICHSSR2020)   unpublished
In the new medical reform plan, it is proposed to establish and improve the drug supply security system, which makes the people's demand for medicine gradually expand, bringing huge development opportunities to the drug chain enterprises. Therefore, the improvement of service quality of chain pharmacies is particularly important for improving customer loyalty and thus for pharmacies to benefit from satisfying customer demand. Using expert scale of chain pharmacy service quality evaluation,
more » ... ly used multiple regression equation to explain chain pharmacy service quality and the relationship between the customer loyalties to the pharmacy, and further discusses how different dimensions affects customer loyalty, and connecting with the data analysis results of chain pharmacy service quality promotion strategy.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.200428.030 fatcat:4eyuwomri5gsbivqjmpiwoxihe