The Adipati Karna's Morality Due to Kresna Duta By Ki Narto Sabdo

Suyatno Suyatno, Supardjo Supardjo, Sutarjo Sutarjo
2021 Proceedings of the 4th BASA: International Seminar on Recent Language, Literature and Local Culture Studies, BASA, November 4th 2020, Solok, Indonesia   unpublished
Adipati Karna remained adamant on his stand that in the Baratayuda war would remain for Kurawa. From the description above there are some questions arises: is there any value attached to Adipati Karna because it makes him firm to one's stand? Is there worth of worth that Adipati Karna has been willing to sacrifice his soul and his body? The problem is a moral matter, and it is of interest to be considered from a moral standpoint, so the writer is interested in examining Adipati Karna's morality
more » ... as a great figure in the war of Baratayuda. Material object in this research is the moral conduct of Adipati Karna. The data source in this research are drawn from the story of the purwa puppetry (Wayang Purwa) in the story of Kresna Duta presented by Ki Narto Sabdo who lived in 1925 to 1985. From the description above, Adipati Karna was a knight and a warlord or kurawa's rifle. On the verge of the battle of the baratayuda Adipati Karna to reveal his true identity as a knight. That existence is categorized as the three marks of moral value, those relating to duty, responsibility, and honesty.
doi:10.4108/eai.4-11-2020.2314226 fatcat:fvlk62s3avfhnpg75halm5ycaq