Favorable Effect of Rikkunshito on Gastroesophageal Reflux in Infants

Tomoko Hatata, Shigeru Takamizawa, Katsumi Yoshizawa, Tamaki Iwade, Kazuki Yoshizawa, Suguru Gomi
2016 Journal of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons  
The cause of infantile gastroesophageal reflux (GER) in chronic respiratory disorders or pulmonary hypertension has been speculated. On the other hand, regurgitation and vomiting including GER in infants are often self-limiting, and may be assumed as a physiologic condition. Therefore, it is challenging to decide on surgical intervention for GER. The aim of this study is to evaluate a nonsurgical approach, i.e., the administration of Rikkunshito (RKT) for GER in infants. Methods: This is a
more » ... spective analysis of 17 infants with GER treated with RKT. Twenty-five consecutive infants referred to us owing to vomiting were evaluated and 17 were diagnosed as having GER on the basis of upper gastrointestinal series and 24 h pH monitoring. The efficacy of RKT was evaluated on the basis of relief of clinical symptoms and improvement of pH. Results: RKT administration was continued in all 17 patients without any adverse effect. The initial dose of RKT was 0.27 g/kg/day on average, and the mean treatment period was 8 months. Unequivocal relief of clinical symptoms was obtained in 11 patients, and substantial improvement of pH was obtained in two of them. Antireflux surgery was not required in any of the patients. Conclusion: In the majority of infantile patients with GER, RKT alleviated the symptoms and rendered antireflux surgery unnecessary.
doi:10.11164/jjsps.52.2_243 fatcat:awibqq76dfcrvd2sk4huvsf3zi