Comparison between the amino acid, fatty acid, mineral and nutritional quality of raw, germinated and fermented African locust bean (Parkia biglobosa) flour

Oluwole Steve Ijarotimi, Oluremi Olufunke Keshinro
2012 Acta Scientarum Polonorum - Technologia Alimentaria  
The most popular form of utilization of African locust bean (ALB) is in its traditional fermentation food condiment (iru/dawadawa), which adds protein to a protein-poor diet and also as medicine. In view of the nutritive values of ALB, the present study therefore aimed at investigating the effect of germination and fermentation on the nutritional quality of ALB flour. The ALB was obtained from a local market in Akure, Nigeria. The seeds were divided into three portions, and treated as raw
more » ... n locust bean (RALB), germinated African locust bean (GALB) and fermented African locust bean (FALB) respectively. Each of the samples was milled, sieved and analysed for chemical, functional properties and nutritional qualities using standard methods. Some most important results of the chemical analysis were as follows: protein content range between 33.64 ±0.41 - 41.49 ±1.89 g/100 g, while the energy value was between 442.79 ±2.32 - 457.20 ±2.15 kcal. The P/Ca and Na/K ratio of the RALB were higher than other fl our samples respectively. Total essential amino acid was between 29.960-27.514 mg/100 g. Protein efficiency ratio (PER) was between 1.78-1.87; essential amino acid index 31.43-34.75%; while biological values were 22.56-26.18%. The dominant fatty acid (FA) composition of the samples was linoleic with 33.687%, 31.578% and 28.7% for RALB, GALB and FALB respectively; while the least was lauric acid. The polyunsaturated/saturated FA ratio ranges between 0.589-0.718. The antinutrient concentration of fermented flour sample was significantly reduced than other food samples. The present study investigated the effect of germination and fermentation on the nutritional quality of ALB flour. The finding showed that fermentation technique significantly reduced antinutrient concentration and also improved the nutrient composition, particularly amino acid profile of ALB flour.
pmid:22493157 fatcat:xqqbkwbfcnffvm5xnwooganuzi