Evidence of Unconventional Superconductivity on the Surface of the Nodal Semimetal CaAg1−xPdxP [post]

Rikizo YANO, Shota Nagasaka, Naoki Matsubara, Kazushige Saigusa, Tsuyoshi Tanda, Seiichiro Ito, Ai Yamakage, Yoshihiko Okamoto, Koshi Takenaka, Satoshi Kashiwaya
2022 unpublished
Surface states of topological materials provide extreme electronic states for unconventional superconducting states. CaAg1−xPdxP is an ideal candidate for a nodal-line Dirac semimetal with drumhead surface states and no additional bulk bands. Here, we report that CaAg1−xPdxP has surface states that exhibit unconventional superconductivity (SC) around 1.5 K. Extremely sharp magnetoresistance, tuned by surface-sensitive gating, determines the surface origin of the ultrahigh-mobility "electrons."
more » ... he Pd-doping elevates the Fermi level towards the surface states, and as a result, the critical temperature (Tc) is increased up to 1.7 K from 1.2 K for undoped CaAgP. Furthermore, a soft point-contact study at the surface of Pd-doped CaAgP proved the emergence of unconventional SC on the surface. We observed the bell-shaped conductance spectra, a hallmark of the unconventional SC. Ultrahigh mobility carriers derived from the surface flat bands generate a new class of unconventional SC.
doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-2084800/v1 fatcat:zyct46uzajf2bnmcpnyoujljcu