Impact of Surface Roughness on Local Aerodynamics Using a Three-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Solver

Brian Matheis, Alric Rothmayer
2004 42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit   unpublished
Accurate simulation of glaze ice accretion requires detailed models which account for the impact of small scale surface roughness on boundary layer development and heat transfer. The current study investigates the feasibility of using a Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) approach in order to study the flow over roughness and subsequently develop the desired roughness models. First, the limits of the DNS approach are investigated and the method is found to be limited by the value of the roughness
more » ... Reynolds number. Second, a preliminary estimate of grid requirements is made for a particular case based on a series of two-dimensional calculations. The approach is validated for flow upstream of an isolated three-dimensional hemispherical roughness by making comparisons with experiment. Finally, qualitative results are shown in the roughness wake region which indicate the ability of the method to capture unsteady multi-scale phenomena. Based on this information and a performance study which shows good scalability to larger numbers of processors, the authors discuss the need to continue development of the approach in order to improve efficiency and make the calculations viable for the study of ice roughness.
doi:10.2514/6.2004-58 fatcat:r4z5d6v3urcizdiwibrmcadcy4