An Optimization Framework for Tracking Droplets in Fire Water Spray Images

Joachim Lundberg, Ola Marius Lysaker
2015 Proceedings Name   unpublished
The properties of the flow from fire water nozzles, like droplet size and velocity distribution within the spray, are known to influence the fire suppression efficiency. To analyze the flow properties, the water spray is recorded with the use of a high-speed camera and laser light. Typically, each image of the water spray may contain tens of droplets, yielding a huge number of possible droplet paths between adjacent frames, i.e. droplets in two subsequent frames generates 2 possible droplet
more » ... s with ! possible configurations using brute-force approach. In this paper, we propose an optimization method based on the Hungarian algorithm to calculate the droplet paths. Using this framework, each droplet path is optimized with respect to droplet position, droplet size and droplet velocity.
doi:10.3384/ecp15119331 fatcat:iu7tu3ghhrfztahrreaenhr7ea