Basic Design of a Fluidized Bed Reactor for Wastewater Treatment Using Fenton Oxidation

Farhana Tisa
2014 International Journal of Innovation Management and Technology  
Fluidized bed reactor (FBR) can be an efficient alternative solution in advanced water treatment processes. Fenton oxidation is popular among other advanced oxidation processes. FBR-Fenton process can reduce production of sludge in water treatment and also offers lower hydraulic retention time compared to other biological and chemical processes. This research work is an attempt to develop basic steps to design this FBR. A practical design protocol of the feature for treating phenolic water was
more » ... eveloped. Detailed design parameter studies which include different correlations for calculating the required design parameters. The design calculations have been done based on literature and some collective assumptions. From this work it can be summarized that, calculated flow rate for working fluid was found to be 1.4 l /min or more for complete fluidization, where the settling velocity of the particle was found to be 0.0365 m/s and the calculated Reynolds number implied that, the fluidization to be a laminar fluidization.
doi:10.7763/ijimt.2014.v5.493 fatcat:v4lpcwucbjasfadtpk3xxoibe4